Film | The Gut Immune Solution Docuseries
21 Sep 08:00 PM

Film | The Gut Immune Solution Docuseries

Episode 3: The Microbiome Diet: How to Eat for Optimal Immunity

The Gut-Immune Solution is a 10-part docuseries that tackles the important topic of immune health and how imbalances in your gut not only increase your likelihood of contracting infections, but also raise your risk of developing serious, chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, autoimmunity, cancer, and dementia.

In this episode:

  • Learn about the many ways the microbiome influences health and find out why many people have problematic imbalances in their microbiomes
  • Find out why your early life experience can have a big impact on your immune response as an adult and learn what you can do now to improve your immunity
  • Find out which common medications can have lasting impacts on your gut health and immunity
  • Learn about the ways modern living can harm the immune system and find out how people who live longer stay healthy
  • Find out why using hand sanitizer could actually be making you sicker
  • Discover the food-based strategy for improving your immunity that you can incorporate no matter what diet you follow
  • Learn about the 2 food groups that are especially helpful for nourishing the microbiome and supporting the immune system
  • Learn about the supplement that is most helpful for supporting a healthy microbiome

Runtime: 1hr 6mins

Film screenings are held on Saturdays @8pm in the wellness community room.

Check the event calendar for specific dates.

Age Group
All ages but parental guidance