Advocate Standards Agreement

Please read this document in its entirety and sign below.


Privacy and security are very important to us. Advocates are expected to take extra measures to ensure personal information remains secure and confidential. 

Personal information includes but is not limited to names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, birth dates, social security numbers, health history, employment history, criminal history and family information.

Documents, photographs, videos and voice recordings should not be produced, saved, copied or distributed without the prior knowledge and expressed consent of participants involved.

Any and all personal Information is deemed confidential to us, and we expect it to be guarded, respected, and protected by all recipients.

Advocates should never disclose, sell, or reveal any personal information to anyone without receiving expressed permission or written consent.

We do not govern how personal information is used and managed by third parties, but we expect privacy protection to be practiced by Advocates.

Negligence and malicious handling of private information can result in legal charges and permanent removal from


We expect dignity, good judgment, and respect in our community. Infringement upon fundamental interests, rights and freedoms of others is prohibited.

Advocates agree to be solely accountable, responsible and liable for damages, injuries, and losses due to their own negligence, malpractice, violence, or unforeseen circumstances. does not govern private practices, but we do expect high quality of every service offered on this platform. 

We do not endorse products, services nor recommendations unless a mutual agreement is establish.

Advocates must refrain from offering products, services, advice and recommendations outside of their scope of practice and should encourage individuals to do their own research and regularly consult with their private healthcare team.

Deceit, malice, reckless conduct and malpractice can result in legal charges and permanent removal from

Compensation does not employ, pay, or compensate Wellness Advocates for services rendered on this platform. Participation is discretionary and voluntary.

Advocates are permitted to promote their services, products, programs and events on our platform and are also allowed to request donations and payments from participants. is not entitled to any portion of Advocate donations, compensation or earnings gained from the sale of products or rendering of services. does not issue pay checks, 1099s or W2s for compensation received by Advocates.

Advocates are expected to solely and independently fulfill any federal and state laws governing taxes and self-employment.

Community Support

Wellness Advocates are welcome to assist with administrative and operational functions.

General training is required and offered to advocates interested.

Roles include:

Group Moderators

Program Assistants

Event Attendants

Technical Support

Community Support Advocates are expected to:

  • provide quality assistance to participants, attendees and admins.
  • be reliable and follow through with commitments.
  • respond to questions, inquiries and correspondences promptly.
  • be polite, considerate and empathetic to others.
  • refrain from profanity and vulgarity. 
  • monitor for profanity and vulgarity.

Our platform is intended to be harmonious and inviting. Advocates set the tone of the environment and are expected to be positive, nurturing and encouraging.

One-On-One Support

Advocate support is offered to individuals suffering from illness and hardship. 

One-On-One Support Advocates offer consultation, resourceful information and moral support to a recipient, free of charge. 

An advocate is recommended when their scope of practice, expertise or experience aligns with the needs of an individual. 

One-On-One Support Advocates are required to be trained, licensed or certified in a naturopathic modality and must provide proof upon registration.

Digital copies of licenses, certifications and diplomas will be stored for administrative and record keeping purposes.

One-On-One Advocates are expected to:

  • provide a phone number and email address where they can be reached directly.
  • respond to inquiries and correspondences within 24 hours.
  • schedule phone calls and follow up with support recipients regularly.
  • control background noise levels during phone calls and give undivided attention.
  • send periodic text messages of inspiration and encouragement.
  • be reliable and follow through with commitments.

Advocates are free to decline, refuse and discontinue support at any time, at their own discretion. 

An email expressing this decision should be sent to [email protected].

Conflict Resolution Support

Our intent is to assist with amicable solutions to disharmony, disagreements, and disputes that may arise.

Advocates are encouraged to mitigate minor conflicts amongst participants, and report serious incidents to our conflict resolution team.

Advocates can also request support when they are involved in a conflict on our platform at [email protected].


All advocates must agree, accept and adhere to the advocate standards and expectations set forth herein.

Violation of this agreement can result in restricted access or permanent removal from

Mediation may be considered following a violation accusation deemed unjustified or unfair on one’s behalf.

Threats, malicious behavior and reckless conduct will result in legal charges and indefinite removal from this platform.