What is Qigong?

Qigong is a Chinese physical therapy comprised of exercises, stretches, self-massage, breath-work, martial art postures and meditation.
Qi means breath or air and is considered vital life force energy that penetrate and permeates everything in the universe.
Gong (kung) means work or effort and is the commitment an individual puts into any practice or skill that requires time, patience, and repetition to perfect.
Practicing qigong regularly can help shift stagnant or blocked energy patterns in the body, promoting self-healing, preventing diseases, and increasing longevity. It can also help to strengthen major body systems, especially the immune and lymphatic systems.
These systems are essential for you to recover faster from injuries, ward off colds, flu and infections, and prevent premature aging. Your immune system also plays a key role in preventing cancer and diseases.
Qigong can help to correct qi imbalances that have accumulated in the body and in the bioelectric field.
Imbalances can occur from deep-seated emotions (stress, anger, anxiety, depression, grief), trauma or injury, improper diet, excessive sexual activity, lack of exercise, etc.
Practicing qigong regularly can help to:
  • Boost mood and energy levels
  • Calm anxiety and stress
  • Relieve pain and inflammation
  • Release muscle and joint tension
  • Tone heart and lungs
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Increase blood circulation and lymphatic flow
Simple Qigong techniques can promote healing benefits for the mind, body and spirit. If you already have a routine or are looking to start fresh, Qigong is the perfect companion to your wellness regimen.
We host Qigong wellness sessions in the wellness community room Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 6am-12pm EST.
Check out the event page for more info: https://holistichealthhaven.org/event/qigong-in-the-morning-wellness-session/
There are different forms of Qigong practiced throughout the eastern world. If you find interest in this topic, simply search for articles and videos (featuring qigong and martial art masters) for an in-depth look into this effective healing modality.
Also, check out this website: Shaolin Martial Art Temple
Stay well family ✊🏽✨

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